In the first two chapters of Ted Conover's The Routes of Man he presents
the idea of roads and what they mean to each given land they encompass.
He also argues and presents cases of what new roads or the improvement
of present roads can and will uplift or cause destruction to these
areas, specifically Peru and the South American rain forest and the
Chaddar, where he had visited and traveled through.
Conover uses
many different rhetorical modes to deliver his product and involve his
readers. There are multiple cases where he takes either roads, people or
even ideas and compares and contrasts them. One specific example is he
compares the two different arguments of the author Norber-Hodge and
Choetop. Norber-Hodge, who believes that building new roads in Ladakh
will stifle and choke the culture's serenity and long-standing
traditions, while Choetop sees the construction of new roads can help
connect the people of Ladakh to outside commerce and enhance education
through communication to other communities and their ideas. The use of
exemplification is prevalent throughout these first chapters. He
examples the way the young people of Zanskar traverse the frozen surface
to reach boarding schools in Srinagar to further their education to
explaining how a guinea pig is more likely found on a dinner plate in
the Andes as apposed to in a cage and tells of a woman showing him just
such an example. Another mode which is commonplace in Conover's writing
is the narration of his story, from truck ride in Peru to his stay in
the locals' homes of Ladakh. These are but a few uses of many rhetorical
modes Conover makes use of in these first few chapters.
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